MWWellness Press the Ayurvedic Spot with the Ayurvedic Medical.

ศูนย์ดูแลสุขภาพ และล้างพิษครบวงจร Press the Ayurvedic Spot with the Ayurvedic Medical.

MWWellness Press the Ayurvedic SpotIs to treat muscle symptoms and bone structureAt the point of muscle painThat affects various circulation systemsIncluding the press point to balance the uterus with AyurvedaWith treatment techniques from a medical teamBy the Ayurvedic Medical team and the Thai traditional medicine team

Press the Ayurvedic Spot

กดจุดอายุรเวท ด้วย ทีมแพทย์อายุรเวทและแผนไทยประยุกต์ |

Press the Ayurvedic Spot

Treatment of muscle symptomsAnd bone structure with Ayurvedic medical team and Thai traditional medicineThat is specialized in therapy with Trigger Point techniques or muscle pain points that cause contractionUntil being lumped and sensitive to stimulation(Hyperirritability) makes muscle painAnd affect various circulation systemsWhich causes many symptoms and illnesses

  • Migraine
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Tension and Cluster Headaches
  • Ido Shoulder Pain Group (Office Syndrome)
  • Shoulder shoulder pain
  • Chronic muscle pain
  • Pain after the bone structure disorder
  • Nervous bone pillow
  • Knee

Pressing the uterine balance with Ayurvedic

  • Chronic muscle painFrom flatulence / inflatities because there are many winds & gas in the stomach
  • With an uterine tiltTo bladderFrequent urination
กดจุดอายุรเวท ด้วย ทีมแพทย์อายุรเวทและแผนไทยประยุกต์ |
กดจุดอายุรเวท ด้วย ทีมแพทย์อายุรเวทและแผนไทยประยุกต์ |

Applied physical

Applied physical program By professional physical people For treatment of muscle symptoms And bone structure With the pressure technique to adjust the balance of the muscles, moving the joints, stretching the muscles Together with circulation stimulation And cell level restoration with indiba technology, medical instruments Imported from Spain To help relieve pain And inflammation Of muscle and muscle disorders And bone structure Including muscle management to be strong And very durable

  • Ido Shoulder Pain Group (Office Syndrome)
  • Shoulder shoulder pain
  • Chronic muscle pain
  • Injury from exercise
  • Knee
  • Inflammation


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