ศูนย์สุขภาพ MW Wellness
Integrative Medical Center
NK Cell
NK Cell is a white blood cell. Acting to eliminate foreign cells in the body, such as cancer cells, therefore, there is a detection of the ability of NK Cell (NK Cell Activity) examined by blood piercing. Like normal blood test But this examination Cannot specify the type of disease But can know the risk of disease Especially cancer and help the doctor decide to check more to know those diseases
NK Cell is a cell that is created and stimulated within our own body. In general, we will know the word of white blood cells. Most of them know that when there are germs into the body White blood cells are part of the fight against that infection. But when looking deep, you will know that One of the white blood cells that we know well are Lymphocyte and in this group that we know more is T cells, B Cells and NK Cells.
NK Cells is part of the immune system.Plays a role in protecting normal cells from both cancer cells and virus infections
NK Cells separates infected cells and cancer cells from normal and non-infected cells.By distinguishing the molecular skin called MHC NK Cells is stimulated with Cytokines groups as an Activated NK Cells that has the properties to secrete toxic substances to cells.Which will destroy unusual cells
All are a process that believesOccurred in the NK Cells group of white blood cells.(Lymphocytes) within the body of the person
From the idea that People with cancer often have lower immunity than normal people. Causing unable to destroy cells Or foreign matter On the other hand, if we can stimulate or enhance the immune system to work more Should have the opportunity to destroy or Eliminate cancer cells Therefore is the source of immune system therapy Which uses natural imitation methods But with the patient's immune system is not good enough Therefore has blood piercing To find this group cell When getting the desired cell, it will go to raise the number. When the number is enough Will be injected back to the patient Which if the next process Is to destroy the cell Completely happened Will increase the chance of missing or reducing the distribution of the disease
The importance of NK Cell is not toxic.To the patient's bodyBecause it is the stem cell from the patientAnd not chemicalsTherefore different from the use of chemotherapyWith a lot of complications from normal cell destruction with NK Cells, it is a great hope for the treatment of cancer in the future.
205 29-30 ถ. รัชดาภิเษก แขวงดินแดง
เขตดินแดง กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400
02-276-5093, 02-276-5076
Opening Hours :
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 19:00Mon - Sun 10:00 - 19:00
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